Networking Guide : Network Topologies

Topology is the physical configuration of a network, that is how nodes in a network are connected to one another. Five topologies are explained in this guide, i.e. bus, star, cluster tree, ring, and mesh.

In bus topology, all nodes are connected to a central cable which is called a bus. A message (signal) that is sent by a node travels along the bus through all other nodes. When the signal passes by a node, the node checks its destination address. If it matches the node's address, it processes the signal. Otherwise, the signal will continue its travel until it finds its destination.

Failure in one node doesn't affect the other nodes. However if the central cable breaks, the network will stop working. Bus network implementation is relatively cheaper. Ethernet 10Base2 and 10Base5 networks are examples of LAN technology that uses bus topology. But they are rarely used today.

bus topology
Picture: Bus Topology
Each node is connected to a bus.

page 2 : star and cluster-tree
page 3 : ring and mesh

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