Extremely High Frequency. Frequency band in the range
of 30 - 300 GHz, corresponding to wavelength from 10 mm - 1 mm. This microwave band is used in radio
astronomy and satellite communications. EHF band is affected by
atmospheric attenuation, caused by rain.
Electromagnetic wave is energy radiation that consists of electric and magnetic fields
perpendicular to each other. Electromagnetic wave is produced by electric
charge acceleration or magnetic field variation. In vacuum,
electromagnetic wave travels at the speed of light (notation: c), that is 300,000 kilometers/second or 186,000 miles/second.
Electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all types of electromagnetic
radiation. In general, in the order from the lowest
to the highest frequency or from the longest to the shortest
wavelength, it can be classified to:
- radio wave (ELF, SLF, ULF, VLF, LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, EHF)
- microwave (SHF, EHF)
- infrared light (300 GHz - 400 THz)
- visible light (> 400 THz)
- ultraviolet light
- x-rays
- gamma rays
radiation is described in two equations below:
c = λf where c: the speed of light,
λ: wavelength, f:
E = hf where E: photon energy, h: Planck's constant,
The first is for electromagnetic radiation as a
wave, and the second as particles.
EM is the shorthand of electromagnetic.
Extremely Low Frequency. Frequency band in the range of 3 -
30 Hz, corresponding to wavelength from 100,000 km to 10,000 km.
EHF band overlaps audio frequencies. Because of its wavelengths,
it's almost impossible to make antenna and transmitter that
works at this band.
Ethernet PON. A PON (Passive Optical Network) specification
that was ratified by the IEEE in 2004, i.e. IEEE 802.3ah or
Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM). EPON standard was created to
address capacity limitation of DSL technology and targeted to
provide high speed Internet access.
EPON provides symmetric capacity both downstream and upstream at 1.25 Gbps
before being split for distribution to customer premises. It
supports spit ratio of 1:32 and fiber optic reach of up to 20 km.
EPON uses Ethernet encapsulation for transporting traffic.
Also see PON.
The established LAN standard that was first developed by
XEROX in the late 1970, then promoted in 1980 by DEC, Intel, and
XEROX (DIX). It specified CSMA/CD computer communication over coaxial
cabling. It was then adopted by IEEE as the basis for 802.3
LAN standard. While both the original version and the IEEE
version of Ethernet use CSMA/CD, the IEEE 802.3 standard also
extends the original Ethernet to cover the use of other media, i.e.
twisted pair and fiber optic.
Also see 802.3.
Evil Twin-
A Wi-Fi hotspot, operated by a hacker, which tries to fool
users to believe that it is a legitimate hotspot by mimicking a
network name (SSID) and a login page of a legitimate hotspot
provider. The hacker purpose is to steal the users' login
details or other personal information. This type of hotspot is
also called rogue hotspot.
An extension of a private network. Extranet gives limited access to individuals or organizations to some of the private network
resources. It is often built by a company to share information with its
suppliers, partners, distributors, and customers.
See picture.