Access Network
The last mile in a telecommunication network. Refers to the segment from
the Local Exchange (LE) or the Central Office (CO) down to the subscribers' homes.
Very often mentioned as Local Loop.
In Internet access, access network refers to the segment between
a subscriber terminal up to her ISP point of presence (PoP).
Access Node
Access Point
A process to record network usage of a user account, i.e. her connection time or
number of bytes transferred.
Accounting is part of AAA function that is handled by RADIUS
server in ISP. The accounting data is then fed to a billing
server for billing calculation of each subscriber account.
Also see AAA.
Asynchronous Connectionless (ACL) link. A point-to-multipoint
link between the master and all the slaves participating on the
piconet. In the slots not reserved for the synchronous
connection-oriented (SCO) links, the master can establish an ACL link on a per-slot basis
to any slave, including the slaves already engaged in an SCO
Also see Bluetooth and
SCO link.
Ad-hoc Network
A temporary network of computers, peripherals, and mobile
devices that is typically created in a spontaneous manner. In most cases, it uses wireless technology
such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and IrDA.
Ad-hoc network is often used for information exchange
during a meeting or a conference.
Also see Bluetooth and
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A popular DSL technology
that provides asymmetric downstream and upstream data rate over
a telephone line by spreading data to higher frequencies above
voice frequencies.
To have ADSL service, an ADSL modem must be installed at a subscriber home and
her ADSL operator (in DSLAM rack). However, not all telephone lines within a neighborhood are qualified for ADSL.
ADSL availability depends on the condition of each telephone line
and the distance from a subscriber to the Central Office or
Access Node where a DSLAM is located.
ADSL is distance sensitive, meaning the closer a subscriber to
the DSLAM the higher the data rate, the farther the lower the
data rate.
There are two types of ADSL, i.e. Full Rate ADSL and ADSL Lite
(a.k.a. Universal ADSL, splitterless ADSL, or G.Lite). Full Rate
ADSL installation requires an external splitter (low pass filter) to
split telephone signal from broadband data. In ADSL Lite, the
filter function is integrated in the modem. ADSL maximum
downstream data rate is 8 Mbps (Full Rate) or 1.5 Mbps (G.Lite)
and upstream data rate is 1 Mbps (Full Rate) or 512 kbps (G.Lite).
ADSL Full Rate is defined in ITU-T G.992.1 (G.dmt) while ADSL
Lite in ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite).
Also see DSL.
A new member in xDSL family. ADSL2 introduces several benefits
to ADSL, i.e. real-time connection diagnostic, real-time rate
adaptation, fast start-up, flexible power management, improved data rate,
all digital mode (ADSL without POTS), enlarged service coverage, and data rate bonding.
To the end users, this means having a more responsive technical
support, faster Internet connection, and service availability
beyond ADSL traditional coverage.
ADSL2 is defined in ITU-T G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) and
ITU-T G.992.4 (G.lite.bis).
Maximum downstream rate is 12 Mbps and coverage up to 18,600
feet (5.67 km) from the Central Office.
ADSL2plus is an improvement to ADSL2 that
enables the doubling of potential bandwidth and increases the
reach of ADSL2 by up to about 40%. This will expand the broadband coverage to a greater area.
ADSL2+ is defined in ITU-T G.992.5.
Maximum downstream rate is 24 Mbps and coverage up to 22,000
feet (6.7 km) from the Central Office.
A device that radiates and captures radio frequency (RF) signals.
Antenna is always present in radio communications. Antenna
characteristics (e.g. aperture, gain, radiation pattern,
polarization) are calculated in the design of a radio
communication system.
Automatic Private IP Addressing. The feature of TCP/IP in
Windows XP and some previous versions of Windows (Windows 98, 98
SE, ME, 2000, Server 2003) that automatically assigns itself a
Class B IP address
within this range - and a subnet
mask of in the absence of a
DHCP server, when the TCP/IP
of a network adapter is configured for dynamic addressing.
A computer network technology that was developed by Apple
Computer. AppleTalk consists of protocols that strictly follows
the protocol stack in the OSI Model. It supports proprietary
access method (i.e. LocalTalk), Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI.
Also see OSI model.
Application Layer
Layer 7 in the OSI model. Application Layer interfaces
user applications with network services.
Protocols that operate at this layer are: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, POP3,
IMAP4, Telnet.
Also see OSI model.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A Layer 2 (in the OSI model) technology that
divides information into fixed length cells of 53 bytes. Each
cell consists of a 48-byte payload and a 5-byte header. The use
of very small and fixed length cells makes ATM switch very fast
and suitable for real-time transmission.
ATM network consists of
ATM switches that establish logical circuits end-to-end when a
communication occurs thus supporting QoS. ATM network usually
runs over SDH/SONET fiber optic transport network.
ATM is the choice of multiservice telecom operators, large enterprises, and ISPs
for their backbone networks.
Also see ATM QoS levels: ABR,
A process to identify and verify a client (user) using password, PIN, biometric devices, or digital
signature (certificate) before allowing her to access a network.
Authentication is part of AAA function that is handled by RADIUS
server in ISP. An ISP subscriber must be authenticated before
being granted access to the Internet.
Also see AAA.