V Band
A revision of V.90 protocol with
increased upstream data rate (from 33.6 to 48 kbps), faster
connection time, and Modem On Hold feature.
Modem On Hold feature means when there is a telephone call you can answer the call while
your Internet connection is suspended and when the call ends you
can get back to the Internet without having to dial up again.
Very High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line. A
variant of DSL with maximum downstream data rate of 52
Mbps and upstream of 6 Mbps over a telephone cable. VDSL comes
at a price, that is shorter distance from the Central Office (or
the Access Node) to the subscribers, i.e. 300 - 1500 meters. As with
other DSL technologies, the farther a user from the Central Office, the
lower the data rate. VDSL is defined in ITU-T G.993.1 (G.vdsl).
Also see DSL.
Very High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 2.
The latest addition to xDSL family that
provides broadband access over a
standard telephone cable, of up to 100 Mbps
both downstream and upstream. VDSL2 reaches
subscribers' homes through fiber optic access
network that extends from the service
provider's Central Office down to a
neighborhood VDSL2 access node.
VDSL2 is defined in ITU-T G.993.2. It enables telcos and ISPs to deliver
triple play services (e.g. Internet, VoIP, VoD,
IPTV, HDTV) to their subscribers at their best
Very High Frequency. A frequency band in the range of 30
- 300 MHz, corresponding to wavelength of 10 m - 1 m.
Commonly used for television broadcast, terrestrial navigation
systems, and aircraft communications. FM radio station also
broadcasts at VHF band, from 88 MHz to 108 MHz.
Voice over Internet Protocol. Also known as IP Telephony.
VoIP is the technology that enables voice (telephone) calls to
be carried over IP network (over LAN or Internet) instead of telephone network (PSTN).
A VoIP user doesn't need special hardware, because she can use her computer sound card, microphone, speaker,
and softphone (special software for VoIP) as a telephone set.
A VoIP user also can use a VoIP telephone or a regular telephone
equipped with a VoIP adapter.
The advantages of using VoIP are portability, rich features, and
Web integration. VoIP call can be integrated with other Internet traffic like
e-mail, file transfer, and web browsing. VoIP drawback is its voice quality which is
less stable compared to regular telephone (POTS). However, voice encoding and
compression technology added with IP traffic
prioritization technology has improved over time to make the voice quality better.
VoIP is more popular among broadband Internet users because its
quality is more acceptable with broadband connection rather than
dial-up. VoIP service is offered by many operators now with lower
subscription fee than that of traditional telephone service. If
you use softphone offered by several VoIP operators, you can
enjoy VoIP for free (you still have to pay your Internet
subscription anyway!).
Also see VoIP protocols: H.323,
Virtual Private Network. Private network that runs over public
network infrastructure. VPN uses tunneling mechanism to maintain
privacy and security of the data. VPN is often used by companies
to provide access to their internal network resources to their
home or mobile workers.
See picture.
Also see tunnel and VPN
protocols: L2F,