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Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on iPhone 3G and Windows Vista/XP Computers

Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on the First Computer

Below are the steps I did to connect the first computer, a desktop PC running Windows Vista Ultimate Edition with Service Pack 2 (SP2). Similar procedure also applies to Windows 7.

1. From Device Manager, check that the Bluetooh PAN driver (bthpan.sys) has been installed. This driver came with the built-in Microsoft Bluetooth stack for Windows and will be automatically installed when a Bluetooth dongle is inserted into a USB port or when Bluetooth radio is turned on in a notebook embedded with Bluetooth radio chip.

Windows Vista > Device Manager > DESKTOP > Network adapters : Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #6

Picture. Bluetooth (PAN) driver from Microsoft Bluetooth stack for Windows has been installed .

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