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Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on iPhone 3G and Windows Vista/XP Computers

Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on the First Computer

10. From Network and Sharing Center, click to see all connection details. From here, we know the connection speed is 1 Mbps. It refers to the Bluetooth connection from/to the iPhone 3G, not from the iPhone 3G to Internet. This computer is assigned a private (LAN) IP address, 192.168.20.x (x from 2 to 254) by the DHCP server (iPhone 3G which bears a address).

Bluetooth Network Connection 6 Status : Connection : IPv4 Connectivity (Internet) - IPv6 Connectivity (Limited) - Media State (Enabled) - Duration (hh:mm:ss) - Speed (1 Mbps) and Activity : Sent and Received Bytes.    Network Connection Details : Bluetooth Device (PAN), IPv4 IP address, IPv4 Default Gateway/DHCP Server

Picture. The connection speed through iPhone 3G is 1.0 Mbps for Internet Tethering and file sharing.

11. To disconnect from the iPhone 3G, you can right click Bluetooth Network Connection and select Disconnect or from Bluetooth Network Connection status and click Disconnect button.

Network Connections : Bluetooth Network Connection : right click to disconnect from a PAN   Windows Vista > Network Connections : Bluetooth Network Connection 6 - Not connected

Picture. This computer has been disconnected from the iPhone 3G.

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