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Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on iPhone 3G and Windows Vista/XP Computers

Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Setup on the Third Computer

The following paragraphs show all the steps I did to tether the third computer, the Toshiba notebook running Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (SP3), to the iPhone 3G over Bluetooth.

1. Make sure that Bluetooth has been turned on or a Bluetooth dongle has been plugged. Find out from the Device Manager that Bluetooth PAN driver (bthpan.sys) has been installed in this computer.

Windows XP > Device Manager > LAPTOP TOSHIBA PORTEGE M500 : Network adapters : Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network #6)

Picture. Bluetooth Device (PAN) driver will be used to join a PAN.

2. Right click Bluetooth taskbar icon, and select Add a Bluetooth Device or open Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel and click Add button on Devices tab. Since in the iPhone 3G, Bluetooth has been turned ON and therefore the iPhone 3G is discoverable by other Bluetooth devices, now Windows XP SP3 can detect it and pair with it.

Bluetooth taskbar icon menu on TOSHIBA PORTEGE M500 notebook : select Add a Bluetooth Device.    Windows XP > Add Bluetooth Device Wizard : Select the device that you want to add. iPhone New device selected. If you don't see the device that you want to add, make sure that it is turned on. Follow the setup instructions that came with the device, and then click Search Again. Next.

Picture. Add Bluetooth Devices Wizard discovered the iPhone 3G.

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